Response to Active Shooter

Please contact us for a customized quote for you agency

These classes are customized to fit individual agency needs from 2-5 days, or more if necessary.


The Response to Active Shooter courses are customized courses designed to place law enforcement officers in highly stressful, fluid incidents, involving exceptionally chaotic and dangerous situations that may be encountered while protecting the community. This class will encompass the use of advanced techniques that have been implemented throughout the world to combat terrorists and violent criminals while providing officers with the highest possibility of success. The quick and and often . This fact makes it vital that our law enforcement forces do not remain stagnant, utilizing old and outdated techniques. Terrorists and criminals are actively gathering intelligence on law enforcement and military standard operating procedures (SOPs) tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) throughout the United States. The ability to quickly adopt, change, and react with overwhelming force is the only way to stay in front of the terrorist’s tactics. Being proactive, maintaining a highly perishable skill-set and learning from actual events as they unfold is the only way to save lives when a terrorist incident takes place.


Topics Covered

- Weapon familiarity & manipulation

- Threshold evaluation 

- Solo officer response

- Concepts and principles of small team movement

- Dynamic room entry techniques (CQB)

- Controlled clearance/deliberate room entry techniques (CQB)

- Approach and breaching the crisis site

- Follow-on responder tactics

- Post-engagement priorities of work